American Muslim Comedy: A Serious Conversation
Location: online
Host/s: Sponsored by the Hani Sadek Fund for Islamic Studies, the Walter H. Capps Center, and CMES
CMES Post-Doctoral Fellow Talk
Women Negotiating Shariʿa, Zakon, and Adat in the Nineteenth Century Caucasus – A Microhistory
Location: Online
Iranian Studies Symposium
Host/s: Department of History of Art and Architecture, Iranian Studies Initiative, and CMES
Public Art Exhibition
Woman. Life. Freedom
Location: UCSB Art, Design & Architecture Museum
Host/s: Organized by UCSB Arts & Lectures and Co-sponsored by CMES
Public Lecture
Challenging Hate: How to Stop Anti-AAPI Violence and Bias
Location: Online and at the UCSB Multicultural Center Theater
Host/s: Organized by Capp Center and co-sponsored by CMES
Asian American Activism: Drawing on History, Inspiring the Future
Location: Online and at the UCSB Multicultural Center Theater
Host/s: Organized by Capp Center and co-sponsored by CMES
Public Lecture
Live, Die, Repeat: Burying and Resurrecting Iranian Pop Stars in Southern California
Location: Music Library 2406
Host/s: Organized by CISM and co-sponsored by Ethnomusicology Forum, CMES, and the Iranian Studies Initiative.
Public Lecture
The Pasha’s New Clothes: The History Section of an 18th-Century Library from Acre
Location: HSSB 4080
Host/s: Organized by the King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud Chair in Islamic Studies
CMES Graduate Fellows Panel
The Land and What Lies Beneath It: Food, Maps & Sanitation
Location: Online
Public Lecture
The Deccani Trails of the St Andrews Qur’an Manuscript
Location: HSSB 3001E
Host/s: Organized by the King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud Chair in Islamic Studies
Public Lecture
Understanding Geographies of Protest: Insights from Jordan
Location: McCune Conference Room, HSSB 6020.
Host/s: Organized by the Orfalea Center for Global & International Studies and CMES.
CMES Graduate Fellows Panel
The Politics of the Everyday: Crime, Charity, & Economy
Location: Online
Archival Practices Beyond the State: Microhistories of Households in early modern Isfahan
Location: Girvetz 2320
Host/s: Organized by the King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud Chair in Islamic Studies
Public Lecture
Anthologizing the City of Isfahan: Family Archives and Urban Knowledge
Location: HSSB 4080, UCSB
Host/s: Organized by the King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud Chair in Islamic Studies
Book Discussion
Alaa Abd El-Fattah’s You Have Not Yet Been Defeated
Location: Wireframe Studio, 1410 Music Building, UCSB