CMES has long been a bastion of interdisciplinary scholarship, collectivity, and exchange. The last decade has witnessed a flourishing of CMES faculty and graduate students at UCSB across disciplines (Humanities, Social Sciences, and Sciences) and methodology (archival, ethnographic, quantitative, qualitative). CMES organizes events geared to the campus academic community and broader public, including conferences, film series, musical performances, lectures, and book talks. CMES is not a degree granting institution but supports graduate studies of the Middle East, North Africa, and Islam through funding, conferences, symposia, and workshops. CMES’s interdisciplinary strengths are based on three core guiding principles: prioritizing horizontal collaboration with our counterparts in the Middle East and North Africa; committing to collective uplift; and centering graduate students as leaders across various fields. Here, we highlight the work of graduate students at UCSB whose research focuses on the region. 

CMES Graduate Student Fellows

Summer 2021

Gehad Abaza (Anthropology), Ali Derafshi (History of Art & Architecture), Amy Fallas (History), Samira Fathi (History of Art & Architecture), Tina Guirguis (Global Studies), Wael Hegazy (Religious Studies), Alice Kezhaya (Global Studies), Sarp Kurgan (Global Studies), Ibrahim Mansour (History), Richard Nedjat-Haiem (Comparative Literature), Sergey Saluschev (History), Mesadet Sözmen (Global Studies), Rachel Winter (History of Art & Architecture), Leila Zonousi (Global Studies).

Winter-Spring 2022

Gehad Abaza (Anthropology), Kareem Abdelbary (History), Gokh Alshaif (History), Ali Derafshi (History of Art & Architecture), Anahit Galstyan (History of Art & Architecture), Jared Holton (Music), Isaac Miller (History), bridge mcwaid (History), Salma Shash (History), Abylay Stambayev (History).

Summer 2022

Kareem Abdelbary (History), Gokh Alshaif (History), James Altman (Global Studies), Amy Fallas (History), Tina Guirguis (Global Studies), Sebaah Hamad (Comparative Literature), Isaac Miller (History), bridge mcwait (History), Salma Shash (History), Noosha Uddin (Political Science).

Fall 2022

Gehad Abaza (Anthropology), Deena Al-Halabieh (English), Amy Fallas (History), Sebaah Hamad (Comparative Literature), Wael Hegazy (Religious Studies), Ibrahim Mansour (History), Richard Nedjat-Haiem (Comparative Literature).

Summer 2023

Gehad Abaza (Anthropology), Ali Derafshi (History of Art & Architecture), Anthony Greco (History), Tina Guirguis (Global Studies), Amy Fallas (History), Fidel Kilic (Music), Mary Michael (Film & Media), Salma Shash (History), Abylay Stambayev (History), Kira Weiss (Music), Jesse Wesso (History).

Summer 2024

Gehad Abaza (Anthropology), Kareem Abdelbary (History), Gokh Alshaif (History), Alexandra Birch (History), Camilla Falanesca (History), bridge mcwaid (History), Mary Michael (Film and Media Studies), Isaac Miller (History), Salma Shash (History), Noosha Uddin (Political Science), Giovanni Vimercati (Film and Media Studies).

Summer 2025

Gehad Abaza (Anthropology), Kareem Abdelbary (History), Camilla Falanesca (History), Negar Farajiani (Art), Anahit Galstyan (History of Art and Architecture), Farah Hamouda (Sociology), Amin Mahini Khodavirdinia (History), Richard Nedjat-Haiem (Comparative Literature), bridge mcwaid (History), Soha Saghazadeh (Film and Media Studies), Abylay Stambayev (History).


Graduate Student Affiliates

Gehad Abaza

Gehad Abaza

Gehad Abaza’s research interests include forced migration and refugee studies, the anthropology of the state, processes of racialization, the anthropology of war, and memory. Her doctoral research focuses on the “return” migration of Syrians of Circassian descent to the unrecognized state, Abkhazia, and the active role they play as agents in its state formation. The working title of her dissertation is, “Building a House, Crafting a State: Syrian-Circassian Wartime Migration in Abkhazia.” She has an MA in Sociology-Anthropology and a BA in Political Science from the American University in Cairo. Before pursuing her PhD in the Anthropology Department at UCSB, she was a journalist and photographer in Egypt, covering stories related to refugee, worker, and detainee rights. Her work has been published in various local and regional outlets.

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Kareem Abdelbary

Kareem M. Abdelbary is a PhD student in the department of history at UCSB. He studies the political economy and social history of the modern Middle East, with a focus on economic nationalism and subaltern movements in 20th century Egypt. He holds a MA in political economy from the University of Manchester and BA in Political Science and History from the American University in Cairo.

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Deena Al-halabieh

Deena Al-halabieh is an MA/PhD student in the Department of English at UCSB. She also holds an MA in Comparative Literature from the Pennsylvania State University and studies eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Arabic and Anglophone slave narratives as well as the relationships between Palestinian and Black communities in the twentieth- and twenty-first century. Her fields of study include Black Studies, Islamic Studies, and Translation Studies with a focus on translation and reader-response theories to consider how the introduction of Arabic literary and cultural traditions in enslaved African Muslim writings expand and redefine the slave narrative genre in the Anglophone tradition. Her provisional dissertation title is: “Princes Among Slaves: Orientalism, Race, and Religion in 18th-19th Century US Arabic Slave Narratives.”

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Gokh Amin Alshaif

Gokh Amin Alshaif is a PhD student in the Department of History at UCSB. Her research focuses on gender, race, and racialization in the Arabian Peninsula and the broader Middle East. Gokh’s dissertation “Native Outsiders: Black Yemenis in 19th and 20th Century Yemen” is a social history of Yemen’s marginalized Black Muhamasheen community. It draws on Middle East Studies, Indian Ocean Studies, and Black Studies to recenter Yemen as a global anchor of East Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia. She holds an MA in Global & International Studies and BAs in Political Science and Religious Studies.

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Matthew Brown

Matt Brown is a PhD student in the Department of History. He studies Central Asia, with a particular focus on the social history of Uzbekistan in the late-Soviet period. His research centers Central Asian experiences and interpretations of political and social reform, national and ethnic identities, and cultural revival in the perestroika and glasnost period using archival, literary, press, and oral history sources. Thematically, he is interested in the politics of cultural movements, hybrid identities, and post-colonial theory. He received an MA in History from CSU Long Beach and a BA in History from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. 

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Senan Ege Çarkacı

Senan Ege Çarkacı is a PhD student in the Department of English. Her research focuses on the representation of the Turk in early modern English drama and premodern critical race studies. She investigates the color-conscious representation and rhetoric surrounding the Turk and how this representation can construct, deconstruct and/or mediate the different racial identities present in the era. Senan has received her B.A. in Western Languages and Literatures from Boğaziçi University, and her M.A. in English from the Hudson Strode Program in Renaissance Studies at the University of Alabama.

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Ali Derafshi

Ali Derafshi is a Ph.D. candidate in UCSB’s Department of History of Art and Architecture. Ali’s research focuses on the architectural exchange between the United States and Iran, which has been facilitated and mediated through travel, migration, and exile during the twentieth century. It  addresses the significance and popularity of Iranian and Persian-inspired architecture in California, which has been understudied or overlooked in three fields: California architectural history; Iranian architectural historiography; and the Iranian migration, exile, and diaspora studies. His dissertation is tentatively titled “Iranian and Persian-inspired Architecture in California: Memāri-e Irāni in the Land of Sunshine.” He has an MA in Architecture from McGill University, a MA in Landscape Architecture, and a BA Architecture from Iran.

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Belden Eylül

Eylül Belden (she/her) is a PhD student in the Comparative Literature program. She holds a BA in Translation and Interpreting Studies from Boğaziçi University, and an MA in Comparative Literature from Koç University, where she completed an MA thesis entitled “Unity in Diversity: Towards A Mediterranean Feminist Criticism.” Her research aims to lay the basis for a “Mediterranean feminist criticism” loosely inspired by Caribbean feminist criticism, which offers women across the Mediterranean a ground for solidarity inspiring transborder and transcultural dialogue across and beyond the region.

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Camilla Falanesca

Camilla Falanesca is a PhD student in the Department of History at UCSB. She studies the modern Middle East, with a focus on North Africa. Her research centers on the intersection between political economy and memory studies. She holds a master’s degree in Middle Eastern Studies from Leiden University, and a BA in Languages, Culture and Society of Asia and Mediterranean Africa from Ca’Foscari University of Venice.

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Amy Fallas

Amy Fallas is a PhD Candidate in the Department of History at UCSB. She received her MA in History from Yale University and is currently an Assistant Editor at the Arab Studies Journal. Her research explores ethnic and religious minorities, the development of sectarianism, and the formation of charitable networks in modern Egypt at the intersection of Middle East history, archival studies, and religious studies. She is currently a Research Fellow at the American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE) for the 2021-2022 year working on her dissertation “The Gospel of Wealth: Charity and the Making of Modern Egypt, 1879-1939.” She also writes public-facing scholarship which appears in the Washington Post, Jadaliyya, Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy, Contingent Magazine, The Revealer, and more.

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Negar Farajiani

Negar Farajiani is an MFA candidate in the Art Department. Her recent project focuses on female weaver artists, exploring embodiment and resilience in the weaving process, and examining their connection to society and issues within contemporary Iranian culture and history. A multidisciplinary artist, her work redefines sociopolitical concepts, addressing environmental and social issues and exploring the identity of women, particularly Iranian women. Her diverse practice spans photography, video, painting, textiles, weaving, and assemblage, often characterized by its participatory and time-specific nature.

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Anthony Greco

Anthony Greco is a PhD candidate specializing in modern Middle East history. His research on engineers and engineering in Egypt explores the intertwined histories of colonialism, science, and environment during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. By detailing Egypt’s long tradition of scientific knowledge production and pedagogy, this project dismantles Eurocentric assumptions about the origins and practices of science. His teaching focuses on the history of expertise in global perspective in order to revisit and rethink critical science studies in light of the contemporary rise of science skepticism.

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Eliz Hale

Eliz Hale is a MA/PhD student in the Department of Religious Studies. Her research interests include the Arabic language, Islam in the US, the psychology of religious experiences, jinn, aliens, and everything weird. Her prospective thesis title is “Sometimes the Cure is as Non-Material as the Disease: Abduction, Possession, and Treatment Modalities of the Spiritual.” She received her BA in International Studies with a concentration in Middle Eastern and North African Studies from Colorado State University.

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Sebaah Hamad

Sebaah Hamad is a PhD student in the Comparative Literature program at UCSB. Sebaah works on trauma, memory, and spatial studies, particularly as they relate to gender and race. Her three fields are Modern Arabic Literature, Afro-Diasporic Women’s Literature, and the intersectionalities of Media + Environment + Injustice. Sebaah’s MA thesis was titled, “Poetics of Memory and Space in Palestinian Women’s Life Writings” and her prospective dissertation is titled, “Mapping Saris from Site of Memory to Imagined Future.” She has an MA in Comparative Literature from UCSB and a BA in English Literature from Le Moyne College.

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Amin Mahini

Amin Mahini is a PhD student in the Department of History, specializing in Medieval Middle Eastern history with a focus on the Seljuqid Empire. His research explores the role of Seljuqid women in the empire's statecraft. He holds two master’s degrees: one in History from California State University, Northridge, and another in Iranian Studies from Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran, Iran. He also earned a BA in Persian Language and Literature from the University of Tabriz, Iran.

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bridge mcwaid

bridge mcwaid is a PhD student in the Department of History at the UCSB specializing in the history of modern Palestine. Her project explores the history of the Nakba through the prism of food. By tracing the various circuits of making, preparing, and distributing food, it sheds new light on the environment, land, indigeneity, and settler colonialism. She holds an MA in Environmental History from the University of Chicago and a BA in Global Studies from UCSB.

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Mary Michael

Mary Michael is a PhD candidate in the Film and Media Studies department at UCSB. She works on smart city projects in the Middle East, with particular focus on anti-migrant technologies in the Arabian Peninsula. Her fields of study include migration and labor in the Middle East, histories of media and technology, critical data studies, and bio/necropolitics. Mary is also a self-taught media practitioner who experiments with arts praxis methodologies including 3D model building, game design, and hyperlink narrative writing. Her dissertation is tentatively titled Media that Matters: Histories of Data Materialization in the Arabian Peninsula. She has a B.S. in Sociology/Law and Society from the UC, Riverside, and an M.A. in Cinema and Media Studies from USC.

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Isaac Paul Miller

Isaac Paul Miller is a PhD student in the Department of History at UCSB. He has an MA in Middle East Studies from the American University in Cairo. Isaac studies 20th century Egypt, focusing political economy, monetary and financial history, and state formation. He hopes to write his dissertation on financial and monetary regulation in Egypt through the first half of the 20th century culminating in the formation of Egypt’s central bank in the early 1960’s.

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Hayate Murayama

Hayate Murayama is a PhD student in the Department of History. Hayate’s research examines the experiences of Japanese POWs in the post-World War II Soviet Union, particularly in Central Asia. Hayate examines the intersection of war history, memory, and transnational impact, with a focus on how personal memories are often appropriated and reshaped to fit broader collective narratives in contemporary Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Hayate holds a B.A. in Social Studies and Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies from Wesleyan University.

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Richard Nedjat-Haiem

Richard Nedjat-Haiem is a PhD student in the Department of Comparative Literature at UCSB. Richard works on the intersectionalities of socio-lingustics, performance, gender, ethnomusicological, and anthropological studies of Middle Eastern popular culture. His three fields include Mizrahi Studies (the Jews of the Middle East and North Africa), Persian performance studies with a focus on the Tehrangeles diaspora and Gulf Studies with a focus on the socio-linguistics of the Gulf in Popular culture. His prospective dissertation is titled “The Dubai Effect: The Transnational Diva, The White Dialect and the Multi-Dialectical song.” He has an MA in Middle Eastern Studies and Arabic from the University of Chicago.

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Eugene Riordan

Eugene Riordan Jr (he/him/his) is a PhD student in the Global Studies Department at UCSB. He has a BA in Peace and Conflict Studies and International Relations from Colgate University. Eugene works at the intersection of sex work, pornography, and trafficking with security technologies globally. He focuses on queer and trans individuals in Palestine and Thailand. His perspective dissertation is titled “Bodies, Affects, Freedoms: Detangling Security Apparatuses in Trafficking Discourses.”

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Soha Saghazadeh

Soha Saghazadeh is a PhD student in the Department of Film and Media Studies at UCSB from where they have received their master’s degree. Soha also has an MFA in Media Arts from Massachusetts College of Art and Design. Their work examines the ways in which Iran as a nation-state enacts itself through contemporary media practices that air Iran from intersecting national, regional, and global terrains. These media practices include social media and diasporic publics; a popular film festival and imperial screenings; indigenous drone industry and piratical reverse-engineering; exilic satellite television and risky jamming; missile killing and transnational mourning. Soha’s main areas of study are the nation(s) and media: the case of Iran; media and mediation: global south perspectives; the state and global public sphere. Their dissertation is tentatively titled: “Airing Iran: Spinning the Nation-State Off the Axis of Evil.”

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Aigerim Seken

Aigerim Seken is a PhD student in the Department of History. She studies Central Asia with a focus on Kazakhstan and its borderlands. Her research centers on the intersections of migration and gender in this region.

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Andrea Serna

Andrea Serna is a PhD student in the Department of History. Her research focuses on early Soviet Central Asia, examining fixed and temporary trade establishments during the late tsarist and early Soviet period. Andrea is interested in interrogating how nationalities policies, territorial borders, and notions of modernity are understood and expressed in social relations and trade practices at sites of commerce, such as bazaars, fairs, and collective farm markets.

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Salma Shash

Salma Shash is a PhD student in the department of history at UCSB. She studies the modern Middle East, with a focus on gender and criminality in late nineteenth and early twentieth-century Egypt. Before coming to UCSB, she worked at Nazra for Feminist Studies, a feminist Egyptian collective, between 2016-2019. She holds a master’s degree in Middle East Politics from SOAS, University of London. She is among the founding members of the “bread and freedom” party in Egypt.

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Abylay Stambayev

Abylay Stambayev is a PhD student in the Department of History, studying the history of modern Central Asia. Abylay’s current project explores the transnational history of displacement and return migration of the qandas, Kazakh repatriate communities from Xinjiang, now living in Kazakhstan. It looks at the ongoing struggle of the qandas in Kazakhstan and those who continue to live under mass surveillance in Xinjiang as part of longer processes of violence, dispossession, rural decline and urbanization.

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Reem Taha

Reem holds an MA in English literature with a collaborative degree in Book History and Print Culture from the University of Toronto. In her doctoral work, she specializes in Mediterranean Studies, Andalusi Studies, Travel writing and Memory Studies, and is completing doctoral emphases in Medieval Studies and Translation Studies. Her research focuses on the fifteenth- to seventeenth-century Ibero-African Mediterranean frontier, outlining a comparative and interdisciplinary study of the Moriscos (Muslims forcibly converted to Catholicism in early modern Iberia). She studies the role that Moriscos played in the translation and transmission of texts between Arabic and European languages, as well as their resonance in early modern Spanish and English literatures. 

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Noosha Uddin

Noosha Uddin is a political science Ph.D student at UCSB, focusing on citizenship, labor migration, and energy transitions in the Middle East and North Africa. Her dissertation research, Labor Migration in a Low-Carbon Future, examines labor migration trends of working-class laborers in the Persian Gulf, primarily on the mechanisms of the kafala system within petroleum revenue-dependent states and their shift to clean energy practices, and transactional relationships between migrant-sending and migrant-receiving states. She earned B.As in Political Science and in Economics from the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

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Giovanni Vimercati

Giovanni Vimercati is a PhD student in the Department of Film & Media Studies at UCSB. His research focuses on the political economy of film and media, and the cinema of Arab Jews. His work, often under the pseudonym Celluloid Liberation Front, has appeared in Cinema Scope, The New Arab, Los Angeles Review of Books, Variety, The Guardian, Sight & Sound, Film Comment, Middle East Journal of Culture and Communicationand other international publications. He has published a chapter on Jocelyne Saab’s “Beirut Trilogy” (From Class Struggle to Sectarian Warfare) in an edited collection published by Edinburgh University Press in 2021 and is currently working on a book about the political economy of Lebanon’s film industry (1919-1989) that will be published by Bloomsbury. He received a BA in Film Studies from the London Metropolitan University and an MA in Media Studies from the American University of Beirut.

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Kira Weiss

Keira Weiss is a Ph.D. student in Ethnomusicology at UCSB. Focusing on the history of the cello in eastern Arab music, her research brings together issues of heritagization, nationalism, and cultural policy. Kira’s research is historical, ethnographic, and practice-based. Having worked as a semi-professional cellist, she approaches her work as a musician and studies with several prominent cellists in Arab music. Kira uses the history of the cello in Arab music as a case study to develop the concept of “cultural security,” the articulation between cultural policy and national security discourse. Initially perceived as a threat to the affective and aesthetic authenticity of Arab music in the immediate post-colonial period, the cello has become a standard instrument in Arab music ensembles. Focusing on Egyptian Arab music, Kira uses the cello as a case study to analyze shifts in Egyptian cultural policy and national narratives over the last century.