Gehad Abaza (Anthropology), “‘We Built it Bit by Bit’: Exile, Homemaking, and State Formation in Abkhazia”
Sarp Kurgan (Global Studies), “The Making of an Opposition: A Comparative Analysis on Turkish Progressive Thought and Intellectual-State Relations in the Middle East, 1930-1980”
Sergey Saluschev (History), “The ‘Strange’ Insurrection of 1866 and the Abolition of Slavery in Abkhazia”
Mesadet Sozman (Global Studies), “Kemalism’s New Woman: Women Intellectuals at the Intersection of Nationalism and Conservatism in 1935-46”
Leila Zonousi (Global Studies), “The New Middle Eastern Intellectual Diasporas in North America: Migrations from Iran, Egypt, and Turkey in the 2010s”
Discussant: Prof. Vladimir Hamed-Troyansky (Global Studies)