<p>Zoom http://bit.ly/CMESWelcome</p>
Join us to meet our new members, connect with CMES and learn about our events and plans for the 2020-2021 academic year. We will have words of welcome by Charles Hale (Dean, Social Sciences) and learn about Middle East programming and support at UCSB from Walid Afifi (Director, CMES), Juan Campo (Director, EAP at UCSB), Ashkon Molaei (MERC), Scott Marcus (Middle East Ensemble), Müge Uysal (Fulbright Scholar, Turkish Language), Amy Fallas (Graduate Representative, CMES) and the new Middle East Studies Undergraduate Assistant, Berenice Lopez. We will also learn a song with the Middle East Ensemble, and have time for introductions and free conversation. Join us at http://bit.ly/CMESWelcome. Join as you are able. Schedule 12:00 | Welcome by CMES Director Walid Afifi 12:10 | Words from Dean Charles Hale 12:20 | Walid Afifi, CMES Director 12:30 | Scott Marcus and Magda Campo, Middle East Ensemble 12:45 | Müge Uysal, Turkish Language FLTA 12:50 | Berenice Lopez, Middle East Studies Undergraduate Adviser 12:55 | Juan Campo, EAP 1:05 | Amy Fallas, CMES Graduate Student 1:10 | Ashkon Molaei, Middle East Resource Center 1:15 | Lisa McAllister, CMES Events and Outreach 1:20 | Introductions by CMES Faculty and free conversation